Heart February 6, 2018 2018 Simplicity Challenge January 25, 2017 5 Good Things January 11, 2017 5 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude in 2017 December 31, 2016 Simplifying 2017, Part 4: Your Heart December 30, 2016 Simplifying 2017, Part 3: Your Routines December 29, 2016 Simplifying 2017, Part 2: Your Home December 28, 2016 Simplifying 2017, Part 1: Your Schedule December 21, 2016 Share a Simplified Planner Giveaway Stories! September 23, 2016 What It Means to be Found September 13, 2016 Rest + Refuel: Ritz-Carlton Lake Oconee September 5, 2016 You're great. August 24, 2016 7 Good Things to Focus on Today July 22, 2016 Help us countdown to the EL Playbook launch and win a MacBook Air! June 13, 2016 A Letter to my Son about Bad Guys May 21, 2016 New York, NY May 1, 2016 Coffee Break: You Deserve It April 21, 2016 EL Mother's Day Gift Guide April 13, 2016 Our Formula for Happiness April 12, 2016 Introducing: Grace, Not Perfection March 28, 2016 The meaning of "Simplified" March 24, 2016 4 Easy Ways to Cultivate Gratitude February 18, 2016 The EL Simplicity Challenge: 30 Days of Simplicity January 28, 2016 4 At Home Date Night Ideas December 23, 2015 Coffee Break: Grateful for the Hard Stuff December 20, 2015 Coffee Break: Curb the Overwhelm in 3 Steps December 13, 2015 Coffee Break: Don't Make it all Happen November 1, 2015 Coffee Break: Permission to be Imperfect September 4, 2015 Growing up Gerber! June 11, 2015 A season for everything March 13, 2015 Our new normal February 2, 2015 Caroline & Tyler: A Beautiful Birth Story January 13, 2015 On carrying twins, Part II January 4, 2015 Ley Babies: Pregnancy Essentials December 2, 2014 Ley Babies: On carrying twins November 12, 2014 Christmas Traditions September 24, 2014 Ley babies: Nursery Inspiration August 24, 2014 Dear Babies July 23, 2014 That time a miracle happened. May 3, 2014 Pensacola Strong Fundraiser Update May 2, 2014 Pensacola Strong April 29, 2014 Home Tour, Part II + a giveaway from Kenroy Home! April 23, 2014 Cleaning up our house March 1, 2014 Brady's Third Birthday Party - The Year I Gave Up On Pinterest February 17, 2014 Happy third birthday, Brady Ley. February 7, 2014 Happy Friday! January 21, 2014 You Have Five Minutes, Part II January 8, 2014 Shaking muscles mean change is happening. December 31, 2013 Hello 2014. December 30, 2013 A thought on perfection December 20, 2013 Merry Christmas! November 29, 2013 The NEW Lindsay Letters Family Rules Canvas November 3, 2013 THE MOST AMAZING ADVENT CALENDAR + THE SWEET TYNERS October 28, 2013 My heart + The 2014 Simplified Planner September 22, 2013 DISNEY WORLD WITH A TODDLER August 19, 2013 Therefore July 17, 2013 I LOVE Project Life (+ an AMAZING GIVEAWAY!) June 20, 2013 The things Brady says June 15, 2013 Win a wooden growth chart from The Pop Pop Shop! June 3, 2013 Summertime, Summertime May 28, 2013 Confederate Jasmine May 16, 2013 Go to bed early. May 14, 2013 Day One + A lot of updates! April 16, 2013 A free background + the best words March 15, 2013 Infertility. It is well with my soul. March 8, 2013 Filling the well and the best six minutes March 1, 2013 Mama Favorites for Two Year Olds February 28, 2013 I'm... 30!! February 25, 2013 Trip Prizes and Leaving Little Ones February 20, 2013 Brady's Second Birthday Party! February 18, 2013 Happy second birthday, Brady Ley. January 25, 2013 Behavioral blackout dates + the WONDERFUL twos. January 21, 2013 Unplugging. January 14, 2013 Simplified Life: 2013, Weeks 1, 2 + 3 January 9, 2013 Everything I have. January 8, 2013 Oh how I love James 1. January 4, 2013 Family Session with Rustic White Photography December 27, 2012 2013: Make It Happen November 20, 2012 The WHY November 7, 2012 A letter to my son, post-election November 6, 2012 Sit and soak. November 1, 2012 Happy Halloween! October 30, 2012 "Mama... pumpee..." October 23, 2012 Food for thought October 16, 2012 Making What Matters Happen October 11, 2012 Grace Not Perfection, Part 2 September 24, 2012 Love a little more, hustle a little less September 13, 2012 Where, oh where, did the little town go? August 22, 2012 Gratitude changes everything. August 12, 2012 These are the moments: the kitchen chair July 7, 2012 When Stay-cations Go Bad July 2, 2012 The Ley Family Summer Stay-cation! June 26, 2012 If you get an email from me today... June 21, 2012 Our Kitchen Makeover: Before & After June 6, 2012 Kitchen remodel: Inspiration + the awful before shot! June 5, 2012 Realizations from my parents' dining room table May 31, 2012 Brady's new trick May 25, 2012 Opportunities to love + adventures with a garden hose May 2, 2012 On the Road Again April 27, 2012 Lots of fun going on. April 16, 2012 Unplugging April 9, 2012 Adventures with my iPhone April 5, 2012 On a Day When I Feel Like "I've Got This." April 2, 2012 The Happiness Project March 29, 2012 The Mom Slump March 22, 2012 March 22, 2012 March 22, 2012 March 19, 2012 Being intentional with time March 18, 2012 March 15, 2012 Do what matters March 13, 2012 My team March 12, 2012 A day in the life... March 12, 2012 Moving around March 12, 2012 Simplified (as if its possible): A Sick Little One March 9, 2012 March 8, 2012 You are my sunshine ... March 6, 2012 Joy unspeakable March 5, 2012 Where did this toddler come from? February 28, 2012 The last year of my twenties! February 26, 2012 The Best Kind of Growth February 22, 2012 Brady's First Birthday Party: The Details February 22, 2012 Brady's First Birthday Party: The Invitations February 16, 2012 Happy first birthday to my sweet boy February 13, 2012 Simplified: Sweet Packaging February 10, 2012 Two oddly different peas in a pod February 9, 2012 Pure joy February 8, 2012 Go, Brady, go. February 7, 2012 Mommy's Memories February 7, 2012 Fierce: a mama's love February 1, 2012 Seersucker pants for Brady + a giveaway! January 31, 2012 January 31, 2012 You're in a good mood. I said so. January 26, 2012 Cowan Family Photo Session January 24, 2012 The Breathe Intensive by Natalie Norton January 23, 2012 simplified: family finances + a giveaway! January 17, 2012 Our NEW Simplified Planners! And more good news! January 17, 2012 God is good. January 16, 2012 on Jesus, salsa and spending January 13, 2012 Intention January 12, 2012 Simplified: Eating Well January 11, 2012 oranges, carrots and mint, oh my! January 10, 2012 our new normal January 7, 2012 Go brady go! January 6, 2012 i once was an english major January 4, 2012 Just be little forever January 4, 2012 day three January 3, 2012 something new January 2, 2012 must haves for 2012 January 1, 2012 hello 2012 December 27, 2011 Dear B,Whenever you just need to laugh at yourself…I love you!Mommy December 26, 2011 December 23, 2011 BRADY'S CUSTOM BOARD BOOK December 20, 2011 THESE ARE THE DAYS WE'LL REMEMBER December 19, 2011 December 7, 2011 December 1, 2011 December 1, 2011 November 27, 2011 November 21, 2011 a long holiday November 21, 2011 November 21, 2011 November 15, 2011 what if this very instant is your time... November 6, 2011 Dear Bman, Your daddy and I can’t believe what a big boy you are! November 4, 2011 Dear Bman, I am SO proud of you sweet boy! November 2, 2011 Dear Bman, 'it’s very important that you learn to sleep at night' November 1, 2011 Halloween! October 13, 2011 Dear Bman,I feel like you’re telling me “don’t make me crawl mama! I j October 13, 2011 Dear Bman,Mmmmmmm! Chicken and sweet potatoes!I love you so much!!!!Mo October 11, 2011 A balance, a dance October 6, 2011 Stay hungry. Stay foolish. September 30, 2011 DEFINITION OF GRACE September 29, 2011 Dear Bman,Right here with you is my favorite place in the world. Your arms and legs hang September 27, 2011 Dear Bman,Ok, to be fair… I had to post a few belly photos. Since I posted a belly September 21, 2011 Dear Bman,One day youre going to be really mad at me for this photo.Tonight is September 21, 2011 Dear Bman,Here you are. Fast asleep in your eighteen month jammies. You’re such a b September 20, 2011 THE JOY IS IN THE JOURNEY September 17, 2011 Dear Bman,Oh I think this is one of my favorite photos of all time. I took this in our l September 13, 2011 MY UN-APOLOGY September 11, 2011 Go Brady go!!!!!!! September 11, 2011 Dear Bman,Ten years ago today, thousands of people went to Heaven. Your world, though you September 5, 2011 Dear Bman,This week was a HUGE week for you! Huge! So many firsts:Your new frie September 5, 2011 A FULL CUP September 1, 2011 Dear Bman,One day you will laugh at this photo. This is you and your friends Beckett Pit September 1, 2011 Dear Bman,You rode in the buggy at Target for the first time last weekend! Mommy and Dad August 31, 2011 CHUTES + LADDERS. BACK TO GO. August 30, 2011 Dear Bman,I know there are so many other fun things to do other than sleep. This is our t August 27, 2011 Dear Bman,This might be my most favorite possession. This video is a little something you August 18, 2011 I GET BY WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS August 17, 2011 AND THE EXHAUSTION CREPT IN August 15, 2011 Dear Bman,Tomorrow you are six months old. Where on earth have six months gone. You are August 4, 2011 Dear Bman,I just had to post this photo for you. It’s a few months old and it was July 30, 2011 Dear Bman,I’m on an airplane on my way home to you! I spent the week with Aunt Lar July 23, 2011 Dear Bman,Sometimes I try to think of a way to describe how much I love holding you whil July 14, 2011 Dear Bman, These are some recent favorites of you, little man!Love,Mommy July 14, 2011 Dear Bman,Look at you go buddy! You’re so ready to crawl! You just started pushing wit July 12, 2011 Dear Bman,I wish I could hold you. So glad Nana and Daddy are here to give you big hugs July 10, 2011 Dear Bman,Look how much you love pears! Nana loves to feed you while Mommy gets better! July 10, 2011 Dear Bman,Since I’m confined to my bed (well, I really can’t complain when my day is July 9, 2011 Dear Bman,While you played with Nana while I was in the hospital, you got to try out you July 8, 2011 Dear Bman,Your mommys in the hospital while you play with Nana. Two days ago I started g July 6, 2011 Dear Bman,This is my favorite face in the world. We started solid foods! You looooove sw July 6, 2011 Dear Bman,Look how cute you are when you sleep. Wouldn’t it be fun for us to sleep July 1, 2011 THE CHALLENGE + A CONTEST June 24, 2011 Dear Bman,You’re four months old. Please tell me how this happened. Your daddy was June 21, 2011 Grace Not Perfection May 21, 2011 Dear Bman,Your laugh is my favorite sound ever.Love,Mommy May 14, 2011 Just a tad nervous to leave you for three days, Bman. You can do this, Daddy. May 13, 2011 Mama works. Brady swings. May 13, 2011 Dear Bman,You’re three months old. How did that happen. Every day is new and beaut May 12, 2011 ELP BABY COLLECTION, PART 5 May 11, 2011 ELP BABY COLLECTION, PART 4 May 10, 2011 SOMETIMES LIFE IS GLAMOROUS May 10, 2011 ELP BABY COLLECTION, PART 3 May 8, 2011 Dear Bman,Today is my first Mother’s day. You and your daddy made my day very speci May 5, 2011 ELP BABY COLLECTION, PART 2 May 2, 2011 Dear Bman,Look at you go!! We’ve been working on holding that head up - and this i April 25, 2011 Dear Bman,About six months ago I sat in a restaurant in Phoenix, Arizona with two of my April 20, 2011 Dear Bman,It’s been too long since I last wrote! You are two months old, my sweet April 16, 2011 REDEFINING MULTITASKING April 8, 2011 Dear bman,This is a very special photo. Yesterday you met your Great Grandpa for the fir April 4, 2011 Dear Bman,You’re such a big boy! Just six weeks old and you let the doctor put jel March 29, 2011 Dear Bman,This might be the funniest photo of you ever. I caught it mid smile. Yesterday March 27, 2011 LOOK how big you are, Bman!Love,Mommy March 25, 2011 Dear Bman,Today was a pretty big day for us… My last day of maternity leave, your March 25, 2011 BRADY’S LIVE-IN SESSION WITH GINA ZEIDLER March 24, 2011 CHANGED March 22, 2011 Dear Bman,You’re such a big boy! Look at you go! Everyday around this time we have March 16, 2011 Dear Bman,I can’t believe you’re already one whole month old! Happy birthday March 11, 2011 BABY MUST HAVES, PART 1 March 11, 2011 Dear Bman,Your mama made a big decision today. After four weeks of time with just you - March 9, 2011 Dear Bman,Your mommy has some amazing friends. One of her best friends, Gina, came to st March 6, 2011 Dear Bman,Sometimes I think all the mommies of the world have a secret club… And t March 4, 2011 Dear bman,Look at those long legs! I should be napping right now, since you are… B February 26, 2011 Dear Bman,Today you are ten whole days old. Your mamas heart is so full of love and thank February 22, 2011 Dear Bman,You’re sleeping in my lap right now. All 7lbs of tiny, precious, soft, beauti February 22, 2011 Dear Bman,You’re six days old little man. What an amazing six days it has been. You February 21, 2011 BRADY DENNIS LEY: A BEAUTIFUL BIRTH STORY February 18, 2011 Dear Bman,I never knew my heart was capable of cracking wide open. I never knew I was ca February 16, 2011 Dear Bman,I can’t believe I’m posting this photo for all to see. But… February 14, 2011 Dear Bman,Your grandma and grandpa arrive tomorrow. Are you ready? My nervousness and fe February 14, 2011 TO MY VALENTINE February 11, 2011 SPEECHLESS. February 11, 2011 Dear Bman,Today, you started showing signs of wanting to make your grand app February 9, 2011 Dear Bman,We have progress, buddy! Way to go! Doc said you’re getting February 8, 2011 Dear Bman,Have you seen the date on the milk carton? It says “on this day you will February 4, 2011 Dear Bman,My legs hurt. My sides hurt. My back hurts. Oh does my back hurt. I can’ February 2, 2011 Dear Bman,Do you hear that? That’s your heartbeat, buddy! It’s so fast today January 27, 2011 Dear Bman,There are so many fun things your Daddy and I want to do with you January 27, 2011 Bman, this is a note I wrote you on 1/6/11… I’m moving it t January 26, 2011 BABIES + BUSINESS III: THE LIST OF ALL LISTS January 26, 2011 Dear Bman,Three weeks buddy and then it’s your day. As your daddy and I ge January 25, 2011 Harley Bogart got his shots last weekend. Poor baby. Look at that pink bandaid. He’s so sty January 12, 2011 BMAN: HIS NURSERY January 6, 2011 to my sweet bman January 3, 2011 2011 is the year I…become a Mom.learn to cook.somehow stri December 22, 2010 LEY FAMILY CHRISTMAS CARDS October 14, 2010 On a personal note... B-man has a NAME! September 30, 2010 HALFWAY there, THANKYOUVERYMUCH September 27, 2010 OH ME OH MY July 10, 2010 Life Changing June 11, 2010 OH THIS IS GOOD June 7, 2010 RIGHT WHERE I AM: LIFE IS GOOD. April 4, 2010 MUST READ :: LINCHPIN March 20, 2010 RIGHT WHERE I AM March 20, 2010 THE COOLEST THING I'VE SEEN ALL DAY February 8, 2010 My Arch of Creativity January 18, 2010 I LOVE :: Installment II January 12, 2010 Finding My Voice January 8, 2010 Paying It Forward March 13, 2009 Today I am Happier Than a Bird With a French Fry March 6, 2009 The Story of {ELP} January 6, 2007 About
February 6, 2018 2018 Simplicity Challenge January 25, 2017 5 Good Things January 11, 2017 5 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude in 2017 December 31, 2016 Simplifying 2017, Part 4: Your Heart December 30, 2016 Simplifying 2017, Part 3: Your Routines December 29, 2016 Simplifying 2017, Part 2: Your Home December 28, 2016 Simplifying 2017, Part 1: Your Schedule December 21, 2016 Share a Simplified Planner Giveaway Stories! September 23, 2016 What It Means to be Found September 13, 2016 Rest + Refuel: Ritz-Carlton Lake Oconee September 5, 2016 You're great. August 24, 2016 7 Good Things to Focus on Today July 22, 2016 Help us countdown to the EL Playbook launch and win a MacBook Air! June 13, 2016 A Letter to my Son about Bad Guys May 21, 2016 New York, NY May 1, 2016 Coffee Break: You Deserve It April 21, 2016 EL Mother's Day Gift Guide April 13, 2016 Our Formula for Happiness April 12, 2016 Introducing: Grace, Not Perfection March 28, 2016 The meaning of "Simplified" March 24, 2016 4 Easy Ways to Cultivate Gratitude February 18, 2016 The EL Simplicity Challenge: 30 Days of Simplicity January 28, 2016 4 At Home Date Night Ideas December 23, 2015 Coffee Break: Grateful for the Hard Stuff December 20, 2015 Coffee Break: Curb the Overwhelm in 3 Steps December 13, 2015 Coffee Break: Don't Make it all Happen November 1, 2015 Coffee Break: Permission to be Imperfect September 4, 2015 Growing up Gerber! June 11, 2015 A season for everything March 13, 2015 Our new normal February 2, 2015 Caroline & Tyler: A Beautiful Birth Story January 13, 2015 On carrying twins, Part II January 4, 2015 Ley Babies: Pregnancy Essentials December 2, 2014 Ley Babies: On carrying twins November 12, 2014 Christmas Traditions September 24, 2014 Ley babies: Nursery Inspiration August 24, 2014 Dear Babies July 23, 2014 That time a miracle happened. May 3, 2014 Pensacola Strong Fundraiser Update May 2, 2014 Pensacola Strong April 29, 2014 Home Tour, Part II + a giveaway from Kenroy Home! April 23, 2014 Cleaning up our house March 1, 2014 Brady's Third Birthday Party - The Year I Gave Up On Pinterest February 17, 2014 Happy third birthday, Brady Ley. February 7, 2014 Happy Friday! January 21, 2014 You Have Five Minutes, Part II January 8, 2014 Shaking muscles mean change is happening. December 31, 2013 Hello 2014. December 30, 2013 A thought on perfection December 20, 2013 Merry Christmas! November 29, 2013 The NEW Lindsay Letters Family Rules Canvas November 3, 2013 THE MOST AMAZING ADVENT CALENDAR + THE SWEET TYNERS October 28, 2013 My heart + The 2014 Simplified Planner September 22, 2013 DISNEY WORLD WITH A TODDLER August 19, 2013 Therefore July 17, 2013 I LOVE Project Life (+ an AMAZING GIVEAWAY!) June 20, 2013 The things Brady says June 15, 2013 Win a wooden growth chart from The Pop Pop Shop! June 3, 2013 Summertime, Summertime May 28, 2013 Confederate Jasmine May 16, 2013 Go to bed early. May 14, 2013 Day One + A lot of updates! April 16, 2013 A free background + the best words March 15, 2013 Infertility. It is well with my soul. March 8, 2013 Filling the well and the best six minutes March 1, 2013 Mama Favorites for Two Year Olds February 28, 2013 I'm... 30!! February 25, 2013 Trip Prizes and Leaving Little Ones February 20, 2013 Brady's Second Birthday Party! February 18, 2013 Happy second birthday, Brady Ley. January 25, 2013 Behavioral blackout dates + the WONDERFUL twos. January 21, 2013 Unplugging. January 14, 2013 Simplified Life: 2013, Weeks 1, 2 + 3 January 9, 2013 Everything I have. January 8, 2013 Oh how I love James 1. January 4, 2013 Family Session with Rustic White Photography December 27, 2012 2013: Make It Happen November 20, 2012 The WHY November 7, 2012 A letter to my son, post-election November 6, 2012 Sit and soak. November 1, 2012 Happy Halloween! October 30, 2012 "Mama... pumpee..." October 23, 2012 Food for thought October 16, 2012 Making What Matters Happen October 11, 2012 Grace Not Perfection, Part 2 September 24, 2012 Love a little more, hustle a little less September 13, 2012 Where, oh where, did the little town go? August 22, 2012 Gratitude changes everything. August 12, 2012 These are the moments: the kitchen chair July 7, 2012 When Stay-cations Go Bad July 2, 2012 The Ley Family Summer Stay-cation! June 26, 2012 If you get an email from me today... June 21, 2012 Our Kitchen Makeover: Before & After June 6, 2012 Kitchen remodel: Inspiration + the awful before shot! June 5, 2012 Realizations from my parents' dining room table May 31, 2012 Brady's new trick May 25, 2012 Opportunities to love + adventures with a garden hose May 2, 2012 On the Road Again April 27, 2012 Lots of fun going on. April 16, 2012 Unplugging April 9, 2012 Adventures with my iPhone April 5, 2012 On a Day When I Feel Like "I've Got This." April 2, 2012 The Happiness Project March 29, 2012 The Mom Slump March 22, 2012 March 22, 2012 March 22, 2012 March 19, 2012 Being intentional with time March 18, 2012 March 15, 2012 Do what matters March 13, 2012 My team March 12, 2012 A day in the life... March 12, 2012 Moving around March 12, 2012 Simplified (as if its possible): A Sick Little One March 9, 2012 March 8, 2012 You are my sunshine ... March 6, 2012 Joy unspeakable March 5, 2012 Where did this toddler come from? February 28, 2012 The last year of my twenties! February 26, 2012 The Best Kind of Growth February 22, 2012 Brady's First Birthday Party: The Details February 22, 2012 Brady's First Birthday Party: The Invitations February 16, 2012 Happy first birthday to my sweet boy February 13, 2012 Simplified: Sweet Packaging February 10, 2012 Two oddly different peas in a pod February 9, 2012 Pure joy February 8, 2012 Go, Brady, go. February 7, 2012 Mommy's Memories February 7, 2012 Fierce: a mama's love February 1, 2012 Seersucker pants for Brady + a giveaway! January 31, 2012 January 31, 2012 You're in a good mood. I said so. January 26, 2012 Cowan Family Photo Session January 24, 2012 The Breathe Intensive by Natalie Norton January 23, 2012 simplified: family finances + a giveaway! January 17, 2012 Our NEW Simplified Planners! And more good news! January 17, 2012 God is good. January 16, 2012 on Jesus, salsa and spending January 13, 2012 Intention January 12, 2012 Simplified: Eating Well January 11, 2012 oranges, carrots and mint, oh my! January 10, 2012 our new normal January 7, 2012 Go brady go! January 6, 2012 i once was an english major January 4, 2012 Just be little forever January 4, 2012 day three January 3, 2012 something new January 2, 2012 must haves for 2012 January 1, 2012 hello 2012 December 27, 2011 Dear B,Whenever you just need to laugh at yourself…I love you!Mommy December 26, 2011 December 23, 2011 BRADY'S CUSTOM BOARD BOOK December 20, 2011 THESE ARE THE DAYS WE'LL REMEMBER December 19, 2011 December 7, 2011 December 1, 2011 December 1, 2011 November 27, 2011 November 21, 2011 a long holiday November 21, 2011 November 21, 2011 November 15, 2011 what if this very instant is your time... November 6, 2011 Dear Bman, Your daddy and I can’t believe what a big boy you are! November 4, 2011 Dear Bman, I am SO proud of you sweet boy! November 2, 2011 Dear Bman, 'it’s very important that you learn to sleep at night' November 1, 2011 Halloween! October 13, 2011 Dear Bman,I feel like you’re telling me “don’t make me crawl mama! I j October 13, 2011 Dear Bman,Mmmmmmm! Chicken and sweet potatoes!I love you so much!!!!Mo October 11, 2011 A balance, a dance October 6, 2011 Stay hungry. Stay foolish. September 30, 2011 DEFINITION OF GRACE September 29, 2011 Dear Bman,Right here with you is my favorite place in the world. Your arms and legs hang September 27, 2011 Dear Bman,Ok, to be fair… I had to post a few belly photos. Since I posted a belly September 21, 2011 Dear Bman,One day youre going to be really mad at me for this photo.Tonight is September 21, 2011 Dear Bman,Here you are. Fast asleep in your eighteen month jammies. You’re such a b September 20, 2011 THE JOY IS IN THE JOURNEY September 17, 2011 Dear Bman,Oh I think this is one of my favorite photos of all time. I took this in our l September 13, 2011 MY UN-APOLOGY September 11, 2011 Go Brady go!!!!!!! September 11, 2011 Dear Bman,Ten years ago today, thousands of people went to Heaven. Your world, though you September 5, 2011 Dear Bman,This week was a HUGE week for you! Huge! So many firsts:Your new frie September 5, 2011 A FULL CUP September 1, 2011 Dear Bman,One day you will laugh at this photo. This is you and your friends Beckett Pit September 1, 2011 Dear Bman,You rode in the buggy at Target for the first time last weekend! Mommy and Dad August 31, 2011 CHUTES + LADDERS. BACK TO GO. August 30, 2011 Dear Bman,I know there are so many other fun things to do other than sleep. This is our t August 27, 2011 Dear Bman,This might be my most favorite possession. This video is a little something you August 18, 2011 I GET BY WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS August 17, 2011 AND THE EXHAUSTION CREPT IN August 15, 2011 Dear Bman,Tomorrow you are six months old. Where on earth have six months gone. You are August 4, 2011 Dear Bman,I just had to post this photo for you. It’s a few months old and it was July 30, 2011 Dear Bman,I’m on an airplane on my way home to you! I spent the week with Aunt Lar July 23, 2011 Dear Bman,Sometimes I try to think of a way to describe how much I love holding you whil July 14, 2011 Dear Bman, These are some recent favorites of you, little man!Love,Mommy July 14, 2011 Dear Bman,Look at you go buddy! You’re so ready to crawl! You just started pushing wit July 12, 2011 Dear Bman,I wish I could hold you. So glad Nana and Daddy are here to give you big hugs July 10, 2011 Dear Bman,Look how much you love pears! Nana loves to feed you while Mommy gets better! July 10, 2011 Dear Bman,Since I’m confined to my bed (well, I really can’t complain when my day is July 9, 2011 Dear Bman,While you played with Nana while I was in the hospital, you got to try out you July 8, 2011 Dear Bman,Your mommys in the hospital while you play with Nana. Two days ago I started g July 6, 2011 Dear Bman,This is my favorite face in the world. We started solid foods! You looooove sw July 6, 2011 Dear Bman,Look how cute you are when you sleep. Wouldn’t it be fun for us to sleep July 1, 2011 THE CHALLENGE + A CONTEST June 24, 2011 Dear Bman,You’re four months old. Please tell me how this happened. Your daddy was June 21, 2011 Grace Not Perfection May 21, 2011 Dear Bman,Your laugh is my favorite sound ever.Love,Mommy May 14, 2011 Just a tad nervous to leave you for three days, Bman. You can do this, Daddy. May 13, 2011 Mama works. Brady swings. May 13, 2011 Dear Bman,You’re three months old. How did that happen. Every day is new and beaut May 12, 2011 ELP BABY COLLECTION, PART 5 May 11, 2011 ELP BABY COLLECTION, PART 4 May 10, 2011 SOMETIMES LIFE IS GLAMOROUS May 10, 2011 ELP BABY COLLECTION, PART 3 May 8, 2011 Dear Bman,Today is my first Mother’s day. You and your daddy made my day very speci May 5, 2011 ELP BABY COLLECTION, PART 2 May 2, 2011 Dear Bman,Look at you go!! We’ve been working on holding that head up - and this i April 25, 2011 Dear Bman,About six months ago I sat in a restaurant in Phoenix, Arizona with two of my April 20, 2011 Dear Bman,It’s been too long since I last wrote! You are two months old, my sweet April 16, 2011 REDEFINING MULTITASKING April 8, 2011 Dear bman,This is a very special photo. Yesterday you met your Great Grandpa for the fir April 4, 2011 Dear Bman,You’re such a big boy! Just six weeks old and you let the doctor put jel March 29, 2011 Dear Bman,This might be the funniest photo of you ever. I caught it mid smile. Yesterday March 27, 2011 LOOK how big you are, Bman!Love,Mommy March 25, 2011 Dear Bman,Today was a pretty big day for us… My last day of maternity leave, your March 25, 2011 BRADY’S LIVE-IN SESSION WITH GINA ZEIDLER March 24, 2011 CHANGED March 22, 2011 Dear Bman,You’re such a big boy! Look at you go! Everyday around this time we have March 16, 2011 Dear Bman,I can’t believe you’re already one whole month old! Happy birthday March 11, 2011 BABY MUST HAVES, PART 1 March 11, 2011 Dear Bman,Your mama made a big decision today. After four weeks of time with just you - March 9, 2011 Dear Bman,Your mommy has some amazing friends. One of her best friends, Gina, came to st March 6, 2011 Dear Bman,Sometimes I think all the mommies of the world have a secret club… And t March 4, 2011 Dear bman,Look at those long legs! I should be napping right now, since you are… B February 26, 2011 Dear Bman,Today you are ten whole days old. Your mamas heart is so full of love and thank February 22, 2011 Dear Bman,You’re sleeping in my lap right now. All 7lbs of tiny, precious, soft, beauti February 22, 2011 Dear Bman,You’re six days old little man. What an amazing six days it has been. You February 21, 2011 BRADY DENNIS LEY: A BEAUTIFUL BIRTH STORY February 18, 2011 Dear Bman,I never knew my heart was capable of cracking wide open. I never knew I was ca February 16, 2011 Dear Bman,I can’t believe I’m posting this photo for all to see. But… February 14, 2011 Dear Bman,Your grandma and grandpa arrive tomorrow. Are you ready? My nervousness and fe February 14, 2011 TO MY VALENTINE February 11, 2011 SPEECHLESS. February 11, 2011 Dear Bman,Today, you started showing signs of wanting to make your grand app February 9, 2011 Dear Bman,We have progress, buddy! Way to go! Doc said you’re getting February 8, 2011 Dear Bman,Have you seen the date on the milk carton? It says “on this day you will February 4, 2011 Dear Bman,My legs hurt. My sides hurt. My back hurts. Oh does my back hurt. I can’ February 2, 2011 Dear Bman,Do you hear that? That’s your heartbeat, buddy! It’s so fast today January 27, 2011 Dear Bman,There are so many fun things your Daddy and I want to do with you January 27, 2011 Bman, this is a note I wrote you on 1/6/11… I’m moving it t January 26, 2011 BABIES + BUSINESS III: THE LIST OF ALL LISTS January 26, 2011 Dear Bman,Three weeks buddy and then it’s your day. As your daddy and I ge January 25, 2011 Harley Bogart got his shots last weekend. Poor baby. Look at that pink bandaid. He’s so sty January 12, 2011 BMAN: HIS NURSERY January 6, 2011 to my sweet bman January 3, 2011 2011 is the year I…become a Mom.learn to cook.somehow stri December 22, 2010 LEY FAMILY CHRISTMAS CARDS October 14, 2010 On a personal note... B-man has a NAME! September 30, 2010 HALFWAY there, THANKYOUVERYMUCH September 27, 2010 OH ME OH MY July 10, 2010 Life Changing June 11, 2010 OH THIS IS GOOD June 7, 2010 RIGHT WHERE I AM: LIFE IS GOOD. April 4, 2010 MUST READ :: LINCHPIN March 20, 2010 RIGHT WHERE I AM March 20, 2010 THE COOLEST THING I'VE SEEN ALL DAY February 8, 2010 My Arch of Creativity January 18, 2010 I LOVE :: Installment II January 12, 2010 Finding My Voice January 8, 2010 Paying It Forward March 13, 2009 Today I am Happier Than a Bird With a French Fry March 6, 2009 The Story of {ELP} January 6, 2007 About