When the weather starts to cool down and we can see the busyness of the holiday season right around the corner, everything in us just wants to slow down, savor the simplicity, and curl up on the couch with a new book. We believe it’s so important to take every moment we can to escape and create some “me time” so that we can be our very best selves for the people around us. This fall we’ve managed to go through a few more books than normal (thanks to lots of plane trips, late nights, and, of course, Audible), and today we’re sharing four books to help you escape for a few minutes of “me time” as the weather cools down.
- The Lifegiving Home, by Sally and Sarah Clarkson: This book is a must read, especially for mamas of little ones. We love their commitment to celebrating each day and making homes a space of joy, creativity, and belonging.
- The Best Yes, by Lysa Terkeurst: This book will always be one of our very favorites. Learn to say no to the things that don’t really matter, so you can yes to the good stuff.
- Present Over Perfect, by Shauna Niequist: Shauna encourages women to live a life marked with grace and love that is full of meaning and purpose. That’s a message we can get behind!
- Grace, Not Perfection, by Emily Ley: We couldn’t get through this list without including GNP. We couldn’t be more grateful for your support of Emily’s message to live simply and full of grace— for yourself, your people, and your calling.