This week I almost burned dinner twice. But I cooked dinner every night.
Brady screamed for half of our play date with our friends today. But I intentionally carved time to spend with good girlfriends and Brady’s sweet friends even when my to-do list was overwhelming.
My house is not as picked-up as I’d like right now but we’re having friends over anyway tomorrow to watch college football. 4 babies : )
A few of our design projects this week took a few more hours than expected. But they’re really, really, REALLY good.
Brady didn’t go to bed until 10pm Wednesday night or last night. But he slept THROUGH the night – 9 hours. Thankyouverymuchsweetboy.
I have two enormous enormous deadlines next week and a husband who’s giving me all of Sunday to myself to meet them.
I haven’t purchased the BOB stroller I swore I was going to get this week. But I did take Brady for a walk around our pretty neighborhood every day this week.
My to-do lists have almost suffocated me twice this week. But our clients have encouraged me with their persistence and dedication to their transformations. I get to work with amazing people, y’all.
I have phone calls and texts to return and feel like a jerk for not being able to respond immediately. And I have the best friends in the whole world. Who call and text just to say hey : )
Happy weekend, everyone!! This right here is my definition of GRACE. A give and a take. Grace not perfection.
photo by Gina Zeidler xoxo